
Lake Park Golf Cart Parade

todayJuly 11, 2022 150 4

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When I first arrived before the parade and saw each of the gold carts waiting for the mark to go. Everyone was friendly, talkative, and all around just having a good time. Going to an event where EVERYONE is like this is rare and very joyful. Also, a part of the parade was a line of vintage cards that were very beautiful to look at and in my opinion any car enthusiasts would have been happy to look at. They allowed you to sit in the car, look inside, and much more.

After you get past the cars and golf carts you wouldn’t believe what else is next…MORE GOLF CARTS. Of course, because this is a golf cart parade. Moving through out the parking is where the news reporters, radio stations (like ourselves), go carts, and patrons where waiting for the parade start.

After being in the parking lot for a little while I decided to travel to where the celebration was located at. As you drove down the road you could see many of the viewers of the parade setting of through out the city and roadsides to watch. Sadly, though I did miss the parade itself because the location of the celebration it was a little difficult to find if you were not a local and was relying on the GPS.  But, once the parade happened and the celebration got started, they had entertainment, food, drinks, venders, souvenirs, etc.…. I stopped at a couple of the vendors, was given some free boiled peanuts, and had lots of good conversation. I look forward to coming back to this next year if I can and it is something I would recommend attending, whether you are celebrating the holiday or not, for the good times and festivities.

Written by: daa40hitz

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