Indie Rotation


Submit Your Music NOW!!

Thank you for your interest in submitting your music for air play with i108.3. First, we would suggest that you submit your files from a computer and not a mobile phone.

“Get Indie Rotation™” is a chance for you to have your music play during the “Indie Rotation” show. Please keep in mind that i108.3 will evaluate your music for airing quality ONLY. If approved, your music will be initially added to the 10 pm “Get Indie Rotation™ Radio Shows designed to spotlight Independent and Unsigned Artists for voting by the i108.3 Listeners.

We would suggest that you notify your current fans and have them listen to the “Indie Rotation” show to listen to  “Get Indie Rotation™”segment to vote for your submission 

  • Every Thursday at 10 PM

I108 fans can check the homepage to see who music has been played for the month. So, notify your fans and get them listening for you music during the Get Indie Rotation™ Shows.

Only the Top 10 “Get Indie Rotation™ Artist, Groups or Bands will get regular rotation on any of the i108 Streams. More air play means more new fans of your music. So Get Indie Rotation™” on i108.3 TODAY!

We suggest uploading ONLY One (1) of your songs & track cover image (per month). Additionally, you should be connected to a secure Wi-Fi network since music files are on the larger side.

Additionally, to submit your music to the station you must fill out the form and pay a $10 fee.